
Craft a standout ident that conveys your brand’s tone, boosting visibility, traffic, and sales.


Eneko Knorr

For Eneko Knorr, a well-known investor in Spain, we created an opening sequence and transitions that were consistent with his established branding, to be used on his YouTube channel.

Social Media

The Motion Awards


We were thrilled to be asked by Motiongrapher to create video material for the TV-Stream category of the "Motion Awards" contest. The only restriction was the color scheme: gold, black, and white. We chose to narrate the video on the subject of imagery, including how it is synthesized from reality to the screen, how it transmits images, and how pictures affect our imagination. We relished this project because we had the freedom to experiment and blend various techniques.

Motion Graphics



Pikingli is a platform created by Maria Speaks English, a Tiktok influencer with 1M followers, who focuses on language learning. We produced the opening, transitions, and outro for her social media content and online courses.

Social Media


Product Hackers

We created captivating 3D animations for a live mobile quiz app.

Opening, 3D Animations

Special Animations

Our animations featured prize reveals, winners, countdowns, and the final question, enhancing the overall user experience.

YouTube Ident

Product Hackers

Product Hackers is a growth company focused on technology and entrepreneurship. We created an opening sequence and transitions for their YouTube channel.


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